Radon gas on council agenda (McCook Daily Gazette)
If you or one of your loved ones has cancer, you probably know all too well what the conventional treatment for cancer is. Often called by cynics the cut, burn, and poison method, conventional treatments are basically limited to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
Even though many thousands of individuals have spent countless millions of dollars over the past few decades campaigning for the cure for cancer, we're no closer. In fact, cancer deaths are on the rise. Sitemap though, it's because we're looking for the cure for cancer in the wrong place!?
Paracelsus is credited to have said that "All that mankind needs for good health... is provided by God in nature... the challenge is to Radon Detection it." Perhaps if we want to find the cure for cancer, we need to be looking at what God gave us for good health.
The idea that health can be achieved without drugs is not just a hypothesis, either. There is a large amount of scientific research proving that various nutritional substances can have amazing effects on disease, even cancer. Take for example phytonutrients. Newsweek Magazine actually ran a front page article on how phytonutrients had been found to necrose cancer cells.
Other good examples are glyconutrients and antioxidants. Scientific studies have documented was better results with natural substances such as these than the medical community can even hope to get.
The bottom line is: The medical community is not acting like they really want to find the cure. If you have cancer, it's up to you to do the research and find natural substances that can help you fight the cancer effectively and naturally. Do remember, though, that it's illegal to market a natural product as something that cures disease. The drug companies have a monopoly on the word cure - even though it seems that they are not very good at it!
To discover naturalcancertreatments ">350 natural products that people have used to beat their cancer , please visit naturalcancertreatments "> naturalcancertreatments .
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